Reintroducing our most important community project -
The Sunset Trail
Our Mission: to improve our wonderful city by providing residents with additional trails to walk, jog or bike.
We are an active, healthy, athletic community. We are all so fortunate to have such a special place to live. We are very proud of our community including a City Council with a historic vision of our quality outdoor lifestyle.
Those of us on the Liberty Lake Neighbors for Trails group have proposed a connective vision, the Sunset Trail, to further our community's mission.
A Sense of Connection
The Sunset Trail will connect the residents of Liberty Lake, especially those from the Legacy neighborhood, from Liberty Drive over the top of the ridge to the west, then going to the 600 acre Saltese Uplands Park and its 7 miles of trails. From the Park, we can continue down and west across Henry Road connecting to the new Information Center building and the new dike trail around the Saltese Wetlands. Total distance, about 9 miles. The Sunset Trail will also connect to the Liberty Lake Dr trail going north to the commercial center, then across I-90 on our new pedestrian bridge, continuing further north to the Spokane River corridor and the Centennial Trail which connects Spokane to Coeur d'Alene.
Show your support.
We would love to hear your thoughts supporting this trail project!