Reintroducing our most important community project -
The Sunset Trail

Our Mission:  to improve our wonderful city by providing residents with additional trails to walk, jog or bike. 

We are an active, healthy, athletic community.  We are all so fortunate to have such a special place to live.  We are very proud of our community including a City Council with a historic vision of our quality outdoor lifestyle.

Those of us on the Liberty Lake Neighbors for Trails group have proposed a connective vision, the Sunset Trail, to further our community's mission.

  • “I heartily endorse the proposed Sunset Trail. Well-designed trails are a success story in virtually every sense. You can bet on it. The Centennial Trail, for just one example, was initially opposed by private landowners and businesses near its course, but after a few years of use it started being a selling point for real estate agents because it improved property values. People love trails because they lead people on foot, bikes and horses to good things --  health, adventure, fitness, family enjoyment, prosperity.  I've seen it over and over.”

    -Rich Landers

    Retired outdoors editor for The Spokesman-Review for 40 years, author of trail guidebooks including "100 Hikes in the Inland Northwest"

  • “As one of the safest jurisdictions in Washington State, the pro-active nature of our policing efforts, and working in close partnership with our community, I do not agree that having an internal circulating trail system would create additional criminal activity. ”

    — Chief Brian Asmus, Liberty Lake Police

  • “Having our parks and open spaces connected by an extensive trail system has been at the heart of the vision for Liberty Lake even before the City of Liberty Lake was incorporated. As the city has grown, so have the parks and trail systems. The Saltese Uplands Park, on the southeast edge of Liberty Lake, includes 600 acres of protected open space and 7 miles of trails. The “Sunset Trail” provides the wonderful opportunity to connect this resource to the existing Liberty Lake neighborhoods and further enhance our access to open space. An opportunity not to be lost.”

    Quote source— Jim Franks
    Founder, The Liberty Lake Saturday Farmers Market;
    Spokane Valley Citizen of the Year;
    Developer, Kendall Yards and Greenstone Homes

  • I love living in Legacy Ridge! While we have great paved walking paths, we are lacking walking trails to Pavilion Park ,Trail Head Golf Course, Starbucks, the 600 acre Saltese Uplands Park, and so much more. To access those areas currently, we need to to walk to the main entrance onto Country Vista. I support the Sunset Trail initiative. It is an obvious winner for all of us with little downside risk. Please take your time to understand the new trail and make an informed decision. I think you will agree with my assessment.

    Barry Baker - Liberty Lake Resident

A Sense of Connection

The Sunset Trail will connect the residents of Liberty Lake, especially those from the Legacy neighborhood, from Liberty Drive over the top of the ridge to the west, then going to the 600 acre Saltese Uplands Park and its 7 miles of trails. From the Park, we can continue down and west across Henry Road connecting to the new Information Center building and the new dike trail around the Saltese Wetlands. Total distance, about 9 miles. The Sunset Trail will also connect to the Liberty Lake Dr trail going north to the commercial center, then across I-90 on our new pedestrian bridge, continuing further north to the Spokane River corridor and the Centennial Trail which connects Spokane to Coeur d'Alene.

Show your support.

We would love to hear your thoughts supporting this trail project!